Monday, March 22, 2010

3/22/2010 5:00 PM

Meh, today was very boring and non-productive for me. XP

I got up at 5 in the morning to watch Bakugan, not even a good episode just stupid Volt. Then I stayed awake for a while and finished two pictures. A art trade with Papa on Gaia, and then a try out for a adoption.
Her Part:

My Part:

Mine is crap compared to her's. xD However, Papa and Jasu both really liked it so that's all that matters, right? Right? OWO xD;;;;

I also wrote a crack fanfic. I don't really see the point of posting that though. Cass read, she's the only one I could think would want to read that. xD

Then...I fell asleep....I actually fell asleep during the middle of the day. I mean, I went to sleep at freggin' 8 or 9 o' clock!!! That's baaaaad for me. u.u

I only got to do two of my histories which puts me behind mooooooore then I already am. =~= Stupid sleep. Why can't you wait till it's actually time for me to fall asleep? Why?

Then my friend, who knows a lot of movies, showed me this movie.

It's really animal violent. o.o I kind of want to see it though. XP Sue, me.

Tonight I'm gonna try and submit some sketches on here. Who knows. :P



  1. Thanks for including the WaterShip Down link, I wouldn't have found it otherwise!
